Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Not the Night

Tonight, dear Internets, we are feeling sickly. Not ill, just sickly. It's the in-between state. I am rather flushed in the cheeks, and cannot decide if I am warm or cold or just right. Have been feeling rather off all day, to be honest. And D was coughing funnily this morning, told him he was sick and of course he denied it. Such is the way. I'm not sure, though, he seems fine now. I, however, am not. 'Tis a strange thing, really. I dunno if it's from inhaling too much Simple Green while cleaning shelves at work, or I'm finally falling captive to the bug that's been going around. Either way, tad bit frustrating.

But dishes are in the dishwasher, being dried.
Dinner is cooked - Spaghetti, but with Italian Sausage (with added Tapatio sauce), Rotini noodles, and red sauce. Delicious, just so you know.
There is nothing else pressing to get done, and a shower sounds rather lovely. Warm up/Cool down - something!

Before I go, I would like to share a plan. This. And it is good, oh is it. And yes, it truly does make your house smell amazing. I made some at the end of last summer,  and it was great. Other than D did not tell me he did not want almonds. So I added almonds. Turns out, he doesn't like them (and neither do I). So we had to pick them out. That got boring fast, so we didn't finish it off before it went sour, but it is damn time to try again! I suggest you do the same at some point (if you don't already make your own granola!).

I dunno who decided honey needed to come in these little bears, but I'm so glad they did. They are so cute.

This bag probably needs to go away, seeing as it's from September....I thought about looking in it, but am rather scared. Will need to get more! Good thing is, a 5 pound bag of rolled oats can  be purchased for about 4 dollars.

21 cups of space right there. And yes, Mountain Dew cans - we "do the dew" in these parts.
I am going to have to re-configure the recipe though. This one makes far too much. This 21 cup container was bursting, and another container as well had a whole bunch in it. We will  never get through that much in a good space of time - almonds or not!

xoxo, Jess (who is planning for Thursday Night to be the Granola-Making-Night, since she doesn't work early Friday morning, and can enjoy a delicious smelling house)

**Note of suggestion. Don't look too far into Simple Green. It's a terribly foul beast of a cleaner. I promise. Nobody at my work will dilute it (which you ought to do). Some leaked out of a bottle onto the floor (which is a tile, that is waxed every other week or so), and it ate through the wax. I am not joking, embellishing, or trying to make this sound more freaky than it is. If you need a powerful thing, go for it. Just make sure to open all the windows first. It is foul smelling!

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