Thursday, January 10, 2013

Successful Thursday

OHHHH Internets!!! Today has been the day.

First off, in news that is not mine, D's gun finally came! Since he won't get his butt in gear and do his own internets typing, I'm going to do some for him.
It is a Beretta 92FS INOX (which means it's stainless steel, I guess).

It is pretty and it is heavy and we've been waiting for it since before Christmas and it's finally here!
Fantastic! So tomorrow, after a few morning errands we will be heading north to D's parents' house for some shooting and whatnots. Hopefully it won't be snowing!

Before all this, though, we went to the east side of town, to a place called Monticello Antiques. Which was huge. It really was. But there wasn't anything really fabulous there. Sadly. There were cute things, and there were pretty things, and ugly things - what you'd expect from an antique/vintage store. But nothing that I was dying to have.
Sadly, though, they had a lot of things in glass cases. Which is nice, for them I suppose. But not nice for me. I like being able to shop on my own. I don't even really like having to go buy video games at the store because you have to have them get them for you, even though there is always someone close.
This place, nobody to be found anywhere near where we were looking. And, of course, while they're all locked up in the glass, you can't really touch it and hold it and see how shiny it is (was a lot of pins and jewelery and pretty things) - or see how much it cost. Which is also important to me. I want to know price before I get to attached, I'm working with a limited budget here!

Either way, a good store, might go back in a while, might not. We got lost three times on the way, which was alright, but it really is in a weird part of town.
I, however, did not leave empty handed.

Just some white glass beads. I like them. They're not real fancy or anything, but enough to be flashy. And considering I'm not a flashy kind of person, for the most part (I don't wear much jewelry), this is a good start.
And this is just a pendant. It's rather cheap, from the back, but it was only 5$ and hopefully the "gem" won't come out. It reminds me of a flower, except the green in the middle means it is not flower-like after all. But, home with me it came.

Internets, let me tell you, I truly have the best fiancé ever. Let me tell you. I bored him to death with the antique store. Made him sad for telling him he didn't like any of the things (entirely different subject we might come back to). And then he stopped off at Value Village after all this still.
Because I had said I wanted clothes at the antique store (which I did, and they had just about none - I looked hard, too). And he saw it, and so he stopped. Because I had wanted clothes.
Isn't he lovely. No really, he is. And also armed, therefore I have to be nice to him.
...just kidding.

Either way, I got a few things at Value Village.
This is just  a black button-up-front dress. Which has terrible shoulder pads in it, might I add. I have to remove those. Promptly. It is a tad small, but considering it would have to be worn with a tanktop and tights/leggings anyway, I see no fault with that - get a belt (I keep saying that!) and treat it like a jacket. Problem solved!
 Terrible sepia-based picture...but to show the buttons and hopefully you can see the side-seaming-part, so it's darted in, for waists and such. Whatever those are!
 Ohhh flutter-esque sleeves! This I actually really love.

Close up of the pattern.

Neither of these are vintagey, I know, I know, but I'm trying to...grow my collection of pretty clothes. It's been far too many years that I've been wearing Batman t-shirts. I like Batman t-shirts, don't get me wrong.
However, we've survived the end of the world (and, according to your memes, dear Internets, we lost Twinkies instead of our lives), why not do somethings one has wanted to do. No reason not to. Right?

Internets, it's the same reason I dyed my hair. Why not, after all? There's no really good reason not to. I can convince myself otherwise all day long, but there's not a good reason.
Least that's how I see it.

xoxo, Jess (who is really trying to just say "why not?" instead of coming up with answers to that question)


  1. I'm thinking you must live in the US with being able to buy guns at the drop of a hat! Wow, totally different culture to the UK and Australia! Love your wee brooch - very cute and with your necklace, are you sure they are glass beads? They look very like white onyx from the photo! Sweet.

    1. We are in the US, and for now it is a fairly simple process. You just have to be able to pass a background check with the state. They are trying to amend the gun laws, because of all of the recent shootings, and therefore people are snatching up as much as they can. I am intrigued, though, as to what the laws in place are elsewhere, from what I understand we are very lax with it here.
      And the necklace tag said it was just glass beads. They have a funny colour, though, not consistent. But not in a bad way. Lighter and darker, all in one.

  2. Shoulder pads are evil. Get rid of them

    1. Of course. Whomever made them up in the first place was horribly wrong. My shoulders are broad enough as it is!!

  3. I love the lil' pendant -- very cute!

    1. Thank you! Have to find something to put it on still, but that's the easier part.
