Friday, January 11, 2013

Explanations of the Crochet Bits

So, about the other day, Internets. With that hint of a black crocheted something or other.
I suppose I better spill my guts about it, before I  lose all  sorts of interest in it. That tends to happen with me and this type of crocheted something or other.

And by something or other I mean clothing.
This is a pattern I've tried before. I got halfway, if not more. And then killed it. Which made me sad. Because I do like the finished garment - at least from the images posted of it on the Paton's website.

Image via Ravelry & Patons - here

You will need an account with Paton's to see the pattern, however. They're stingy like that. Oddly enough, a lot of yarn-type websites are like that. But they don't email you, unless you sign up for that type of thing, so really, why not?

It's a good pattern, I think. But I am changing it.
Of course I am.
Firstly, black sparkly yarn. That was a giveaway.

Secondly, I want it to be a shorter version. Top-of-hip-length. I've liked this type of cardigans for a very long time, and have had only a few. So why not make one? It's easy enough, I'm hoping, just need to make it 13.5 inches and then shape the armholes, according to the pattern, instead of the suggested length. At least this is my goal. Also, the 13.5 inches is of my own measuring.

My only issue with this type of garment is the fit. I am not a slender individual, and I'm not self-conscious, per-say, but I don't like attracting attention to that area. It's not my best. Let's put it that way. You may have noticed already from some pictures I've posted.
However, there's a level of...I-don't-care-what-anybody-says...that one needs to have about these things.
I feel like at least pretending I think I'm fabulous (as one should, from time to time,  dear Internets), and this is a good way to start.

And, I'm going to blame you, Internets. For you led me to a lovely images of such things!
These are from one webpage alone, Bettie Page Clothing, which I want to buy lots of things from, but a bit out of my price range for the time being.
However, you get the idea. It's awesome stuff, right there.

And that's the style I'm going for. Because I've always liked it.
And why not do what you like, right? Right. Glad we agree, Internets.

xoxo, Jess (who wishes her red hair would do like the lady's in those pictures!)


  1. Those Bettie Page cardigans are so wonderful, I hope they go on sale at the end of the season :P

  2. I wish it would all go on sale!! But then again, maybe not - I'd spend far too much money!

  3. Good luck! I can barely knit a square with even tension, and at the moment crocheting eludes me....I'm excited to see your progress and the end product!!

    1. Thanks! Knitting eludes me, and it takes far longer for me, but every once in a while I try again with little success. Crochet really is much easier. Not as much concern for tension!! Thanks for commenting!
